"The trade unions will be at the forefront in the future in accordance with the requirements of the time." Haydar-Aliyev-Expression
Heydar Aliyev

Trade Union Organization

 Trade Union Organization of Azerbaijan Academy of Labour and Social Relations was established in 2006. The organization has gathered all employees around it and also could involve students. All works are governed by “Collective Contract” in the Academy. “Collective Contract” signed between the leadership and the chairman of Trade Union Organization has referred to Labour Code of Azerbaijan Republic, the Law of Azerbaijan Republic “About Trade union”, and “Collective Agreement” signed between the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic and Education Workers of TURC and connected to protect labour, social-economic, domestic and other relations. Trade Union Organization controls that employees spend their time in a healthy condition and gives them rest days and vacations in time. It organizes the rest of employees and students. Trade Union Organization supports young people and try to increase their interest in education and science.

Mammadova Rubabe Heybat qızı is the head of the organization.

As every year, the AALSR union committee provided details of the committee's financial expenditure.

Therefore, it is important for trade union members to know where the collected fees are spent:

In 2023, the HEC of the Academy received membership fees in the amount of 21,205.46 manats. The organization had funds of 25020.74 since last year.

Of these, 5656.3 will be spent on cultural events - anniversaries, visiting guests, transportation costs, events, etc. spent. 3,670 manats were paid for providing hot meals to four employees of the household department. Employees, including students, were provided with financial assistance in the amount of 4,290 manats.

1242 manats were spent on the medal “For Merit to the Trade Union”, 3600 manats on wages, and 450 manats on awards.

Funds in the amount of 1,955.72 manats were paid for social insurance contributions.

1373.99 manats were spent on household expenses. This includes bank charges, telephone charges and Asan signature fees.

The organization's fixed assets worth 1,620 manats are in place and in working order.

The financial balance of the organization as of January 1, 2024 is 3,432.45 manats.

Information: The Committee of the Republic allocated 6 trips for health improvement and sanatorium-resort treatment of our employees. Asgar Aliyev - sanatorium "Shikh", Dzhumshud Mamedov - sanatorium "Health" Naftalan, Tahir Bakhshaliev and Fakhrad Mohbaliyev - sanatorium "Swallow", Azad Huseynov - educational and health center, Sarraf Mirzoyev - cardiological sanatorium "Bilgah".


17.09.2022  [ 16:02 ]
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