"The trade unions will be at the forefront in the future in accordance with the requirements of the time." Haydar-Aliyev-Expression
Heydar Aliyev

Department of Economics and Management

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     "Economics and management" department is the main teaching-science structural unit of Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Relations. In the department, the organization of teaching by subjects, scientific-research work, training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel, training of students (at bachelor's and master's levels) and training of doctor of sciences in philosophy are carried out. The composition of the department consists of: 2 doctors of sciences, professors, 1 honorary teacher, associate professor, 7 doctors of philosophy in economics, associate professors, 4 teachers and 1 assistant professor.

Two of the teachers of the department are successfully completing their dissertation research. One of them completed his dissertation and submitted it to the specialized Defense Council of ANAS "Economics" Institute.

Under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the teachers of the department were awarded the scientific titles of 1 doctor of sciences, 5 degrees of doctor of philosophy in economics, 1 professor and 5 associate professors. 

by the employees of the department in 2013-2019; 4 textbooks, 8 teaching aids, 3 monographs, 138 articles (18 articles published abroad), 22 theses at foreign and local conferences of international importance, 36 theses at important national conferences, 52 programs, 5 methodological instructions.

The "Economics and Management" department is headed by Vilayat Ibrahim oghlu Ismayilov, Doctor of Economic Sciences.

17.09.2022  [ 13:17 ]
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